Camporee Radio Broadcasts
During the Camporee, live and pre-recorded programs are offered 24-7. The radio station will also broadcast the Main Stage program on a low power FM radio. The FM signal will broadcast about a mile to a mile and a half around the broadcast antenna.
The radio station provides the following at the Camporee:
- Volunteers conduct interviews on location or interview them Live and On the Air.
- Broadcast announcements every half hour of events and information of interest at the camporee.
- Broadcast important information such as directions for campers who are arriving on opening day to get them where they need to be in a timely manner.
- Broadcast emergency information such as weather conditions as warranted.
- Offer give-a-ways.
Exhibitors and Retail Sales vendors are invited to donate items that can be given away and at the same time receive some free advertising.
How to Listen to Nighttime Program in the Event of Inclement Weather
In the prayerfully unlikely event that we will not be able to have anyone on the Main Stage during the evening program, due to inclement weather or anything unsafe, you will still be able hear that night’s Bible Story & Pastor’s Message at 7:30pm, 8:30pm, and again at 9:30pm, broadcast on the Camporee Radio Station, 92.9 FM
You will need an AM/FM portable radio with batteries.
The one hour long program will include:
- 4 minute Theme Song track
- 15 minute – Pastor’s Message and Actor’s interview
- 35-40 minute Bible Story audio track
Need help, Contact Audree Johnson, Radio Station Coordinator