Prayer Tent  Prayer tent 3


At the International Camporee, we want prayer to be a cornerstone for all that happens here.  Friendships nurtured, growth opportunities encountered, knowledge acquired, requests on our hearts, and spiritual decisions made will only be enhanced if they are bathed in prayer.

Anointing Pin Prayer Tent 8.1.24To help make prayer a focal point for our Camporee, here are some of the opportunities that will be available to our Pathfinders.

Prayer Tent Hours:

Tuesday, 12:00 noon – 5:00pm

Wednesday-Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm

Sabbath, 1:00 – 5:00pm

Location: East side of the Wyoming Center building.

What Pathfinders Can Experience

  • Come into the Prayer Tent, approach the burning bush, take off your shoes like Moses did and recognize that God has a call for your life just like He did for Moses.
  • “Come now, therefore, and I will send you . . .” (Exodus 3:10) was God’s message to Moses and is echoed in the call to each Pathfinder.
  • Receive a pin to commemorate your visit to the Prayer Tent and remember that God has called you for a special purpose just as He did Moses.
  • Be offered anointing for the call to serve, leadership, or special need.
  • Write requests and praises on our Camporee prayer scroll.
  • The Prayer Tent offers you a place where you can talk to and pray with a chaplain about anything the Lord has put on your heart.
  • Find spiritual literature for your encouragement.
  • A place you can come personally or as a club to openly pray to your Father in Heaven about anything on your heart.
  • Encourage someone who needs a friend.

Pathfinder Club Leaders and Special Pathfinder Anointing Service

  • Anointing Pin 6.17.24We are inviting Pathfinder Club leaders to bring their club for anointing. This will happen in a 10-15 minute service anytime from Noon until 5:00 pm Tuesday and 9:00 am until 5:00 pm, Wednesday through Sabbath except for Sabbath morning.
  • Our Pathfinder Club leaders have the opportunity to make a life-changing statement by personally anointing potential youth leaders for the future.  Chaplains will also be available to offer the prayer anointing.
  • An anointing pin will be given to those Pathfinders who participate in this spiritual service.

International Prayer Time Each Evening

  • At this time, we will have a chance to pray corporately all together at once.
  • The prayers will be offered in several languages reflecting the international richness of our Camporee.
  • The prayer scrolls from our prayer tents will be brought on stage each night and prayed over.

Our desire is for prayer to be a spiritual priority in all our lives.  Let’s pray together, as never before, for God to move on hearts of His people.

Need help? Contact Rick Remmers, Prayer Coordinator

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