Learn, Play, & Develop Skills
Throughout each day at the Camporee, various on-site activities offer enriching experiences for Pathfinders. Work towards earning new honors, explore new adventures, sharpen your skills, and check out special interest areas. There is something for everyone and the excitement awaits you. There’s so much to choose from!
Schedule of Activities & Honors
Tuesday: 12:00 PM (Noon) – 5:00 PM
Wednesday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM (Sabbath appropriate)
Need help? Contact Eddie Heinrich, Daytime Activities Director.
Want to Host an Honor or Activity?
Thank-you for being willing to explore teaching an honor, activity, or special interest at the International Camporee. This is a fantastic opportunity to have a positive impact on the lives of many Pathfinders. Without your commitment and dedication this event would not be possible.
Teaching honors at the International Camporee is different from teaching honors to an individual club or small group. Honors taught at the International Camporee should be designed to accommodate several hundred Pathfinders a day. Since each honor is unique, different teaching styles fit different honors and some honors are either difficult or not practical to teach in the Camporee setting.
Honor, Activitiy, or Special Interest registration is closed!
Deadline is July 3 at 5:00pm ET
Need help? Contact Brenda Brandy, Honors Coordinator