Camporee Location
The International Pathfinder Camporee is newly located at the Cam-Plex Facilities in Gillette, Wyoming. It is approximately 333 miles/ 536 kilometers east of Yellowstone National Park, and 343 miles/ 552 kilometers north of Denver, CO.
1635 Reata Dr. Gillette, WY 82718
Get directions on Google Maps.
Parking for Coach Buses, Large Trucks, & Semi Trailers
All Coach buses & semi trailers will be parked near the Gillette High School.
After unloading your coach buses and semi trailers, please take them to the designated parking area as directed on the maps below.
View Parking map for Coach Buses, Large Trucks & Semi Trailers
View Map from Cam-Plex to Coach Buses, Large Trucks & Semi Trailers Parking Lot
Parking Restrictions
There are many parking lots available, some are 24/7 lots where you can come and go whenever you need and some are restricted at the Camporee. View Camporee map
- Anyone parking in a Physically Disabled marked spot without the proper placard or license plate, will be towed at the owners expense.
- Anyone parking in a NO Parking area, will be towed at the owners expense.
- View the Camporee No Parking Notice and Towing Costs
View the Camporee map for Safety Office location.
Arrival Gate Entrances by Union
Please enter the Camporee grounds using the designated gate to get to your Union/Conference campground. Each Union will have it’s own entrance gate to help with traffic while setting up your campsites on August 5 & 6, 2024.
View the Camporee map for gate information.
Persons with Physical Disabilities Parking
Automobile access for physically disabled persons parking spots are located at many of
the paved parking lots on the Camporee grounds. Look for the Physically Disabled parking
signs. Please display your Physically Disabled placard so you don’t get towed. These are first
come first serve basis.
View more resources for Persons with Physical Disabilities.