Believe the Promise Theme Song

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Spanish Version
French Version

Winner of the Theme Song Contest

Congratulations to Matthew Haus, winner of the 2024 BTP Theme Song contest.

Explanation of the Theme

(The Bible Story of the Nighttime Program is focused on Moses and the Exodus. It is our hope that the theme song will inspire Pathfinders to BELIEVE the Promises of the God who loves them so much!)

The EMPHASIS of the 2024 Theme, “Believe the Promise” is on BELIEVING the Promise God had Moses repeat to Israel before the Exodus in Exodus 6:6-8. – (*See below). – It is a beautiful promise of freedom from slavery that the Israelites have endured for hundreds of years. God is promising to be their God and Redeemer and lead them to the Promised Land. But the Israelites are super discouraged! Pharaoh demands the IMPOSSIBLE …….to make the same required daily number of bricks WITHOUT straw. And how about suffering through the first three plagues as well? It seems hopeless to survive the coming days, let alone believe God would deliver them.

The theme, “Believe the Promise” is also about US, YOU and ME…..BELIEVING the amazing promises God has given us in His Word for our Exodus journey as we seek the Eternal Promised Land God is preparing for us. We, too, may have hardships and insurmountable troubles that we face day to day. We get discouraged and forget to focus on the One who gives wonderful promises. He is faithful. God has a Plan for us. His timing, purpose and how He fulfills His Plan are perfect!

GET READY ISRAEL! Believe God and His Promise! He is about to do FOR YOU some of the most amazing miracles in history!

GET READY PATHFINDERS! Believe in Jesus and just see what incredible things He will do for and through YOU!

BELIEVE the Promise(s)!

*Exodus 6:6-8

“Therefore, say to the Israelites, ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you of being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God who brought you ought from the yoke of the Egyptians. And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession, I am the Lord.’”


How to Write a Theme Song

Contest Rules

  1. The words to the theme song should reflect the Camporee theme, “Believe the Promise”
  2. The song should have a Christ-centered message
  3. It should be easily learned and remembered
  4. Must contain a chorus
  5. No more than four (4) minutes in length
  6. Play on a guitar or piano using basic chord structure
  7. Submission may only be recorded on a phone, not professional recording equipment
  8. Submit a video, sheet music, and lyrics

Contest Information and Prizes

  1. The Prize: A maximum of two (2) free tickets to the 2024 Believe the Promise International Camporee. Even though a club or other group may have worked on the theme song project, only two (2) tickets total are available for the winning entry.
  2. Choosing the winner: The winning entry will be chosen by the International Camporee Executive Advisory. The winning entry is determined solely by the discretion of the advisory. All decisions are final.
  3. Announcing the winner: Winning entries will be announced on this website and in electronic form through our newsletter and social media. The winning contestant will be notified by phone or mail.
  4. Winner Requirements: Winners will supply a bio, interview, and photo to be published, and will need to be present at the Camporee. We will not cover travel expenses.
  5. Copyrights: All theme song material submitted by the contest winner(s) will be the intellectual/literal property of the International Pathfinder Camporee.
  6. Contest Deadline: January 1, 2024

Want to Listen to Past Theme Songs?

You can listen to all past Camporee Theme songs by clicking here. Select the year you want to listen to and scroll to the Theme song. It’s that easy.

Contact the Music Coordinator, if you have questions.